
Philosophy, Tutorials

  • Software-as-a-Service

    Designing systems that can scale to very large sizes can be a challenge. There are some standard engineering strategies we can use to accommodate these requirements. This slide deck is one I put together to talk about these issues with some folks. 

  • Software Architecture and Design Philosophy

    The rules we adhere to (or not) when we create software and system architecture can mean the difference between a successful product and a failed one.

  • XML Basics

    This tutorial is on the basics and mechanics of how eXtensible Markup Language works.

  • Creating an XML Application

    This is a live demonstration of prototyping an XML application.

  • XPath 1.0 Basics

    XPath is the core of many XML applications, such as XSLT. I recommend that you become fluent in XPath.

  • XPath 1.0 Demo

    Becoming fluent in XPath requires practice, and XPath has lots of moving parts. The goal of this this live demonstration is to help you in that direction.

  • XSLT 1.0 Basics

    XSLT is designed specifically for processing and transforming XML documents and data into other formats. If you have that need then XSLT may be for you. This tutorial provides an introduction to XSLT basics.

  • XSLT 1.0 Default Rules: Hello World!

    XSLT is built on a rule processing engine. This segment uses a stepping debugger to walk through the default rules and shows you how to take control of rule application yourself.