
Entries in compliance (3)

Data, Data, Everywhere

Suppose your security system chooses 10,000 controls (vulnerability checks, scripts, signatures, etc -- pick your preferred terminology) that can be applied to some example asset (a server, executive laptop, or whatever). That number could be smaller or it could be larger depending on the system but let’s say that 10,000 is the count after filtering out those controls that don’t apply (e.g., there’s no Apache server on that Windows 7 laptop).

Now, suppose that each control returns 100 characters of evidence data. That means you have 1,000,000 characters of data for one full assessment of one system. You are going to store those data in Unicode format because our company is international and hence so are our evidence data. That turns our 1,000,000 characters into 2,000,000 bytes of data.

The original story was on the M2GRC blog:

The full article can also be found here. :)

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Risk Is Better Than Uncertainty

The IT GRC field is in transition. Today we are dealing with UNCERTAINTY when we really, really want to be working with RISK because the management tools are so much better. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The electronic medium that caused the situation should also help us solve the problem. We just need to keep collecting data, tracking the improvements produced through compliance, and creating new models and metrics.

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Risk? What Do You Mean?

The products that my employer develops are all about buzzwords like Vulnerability, Compliance, and Risk. You will find these words and phrases all over the computer security field along with others, like Buffer Overflow, Malware, PUPS (potentially unwanted programs, meaning, stuff you probably don't want but if someone called it Malware someone could get sued), Data Loss Prevention, Host Intrusion Prevention System, SPAM, and Antivirus. Most folks are only really aware of one, Antivirus, and may think it means all of the above. :)

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