Eric's Academic Past
- PhD Computer Science, 1990-1993, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC
- MS Computer Science, 1988-1990, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC
- BS Electrical Engineering (Magna Cum Laude); 2nd major in CS, 1981-1985, Duke University Durham, NC
- Queen Elizabeth II Research Grant, 1999 - 300K AUD (declined)
- Best Postdoctoral Presentation (McGill Day), 1996
- Best Overall Presentation (McGill Day), 1995
- Best Postdoctoral Presentation (McGill Day), 1995
- Dissertation Fellowship (UNC), 1993
- International Brain Research Organization Research Fellowship, 1991
- Cognitive Science Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship (UNC), 1990
- Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society); Thomas R. Mullen Engineering Scholarship; Class Honors, Dean's List, 1981-1985 (Duke)
- Instructor for Perception and Sensory Processes at University of California, Irvine (Summer Session I, 1998). The class consisted of 2nd through 4th year Psychology and Biology students.
- Guest instructor for Virtual Reality class at University of California, Irvine covering the topic "C++ for Graphics." Topics included execution efficiency and C++; matrix and vector classes; translations and transformations; language elements.
- Organized and lead a seminar on Philosophy of Modeling in Vision at McGill University, Montreal (summer 1995) The seminar was attended by graduate students, post-docs and faculty from Psychology, Ophthalmology and Engineering.
- Instructor for Introduction to Computers at University of North Carolina (summer, 1992) The class consisted of 2nd through 4th year non-CS undergraduates and emphasized basic computer-use skills such as word processing, spreadsheets and database packages.