You can see on previous posts that I recently bought a new video card because I was having hardware trouble with my GT9800. The new card included a $20 rebate, and being frugal, I followed the process to get my just rewards. Here is the notice I received today:
We are pleased to inform you that your rebate, with the Basic service level you selected has been processed and approved on 09/29/2010. Your Visa® Card will be mailed within 8-10 weeks . Please contact us if you have any additional questions. Below is the summary of your rebate registration information: Tracking Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rebate Offer: Gigabyte Special Mail In Rebate Offer Rebate Item : GIGABYTE GV-N465UD-1GI Video Card Rebate Item UPC number(s) : 818313010834 Rebate Award: $20.00 Service level Basic: $20.00 Final Award: $20.00
When I went to fill out the online form, what did I find? An "offer" to get the rebate within 3 days. The catch? They wanted, like, $2 of my rebate. I chose to keep my $2 and wait 8-10 weeks, which is why the notice referred to my "Service level" as "Basic".
As opposed to the Premium level, where I fork over $2 to someone who makes money just by failing to delay sending me my money.
So I have to ask: if you can take my money instantly, why would it take 8-10 weeks to send me my rebate, unless of course I pay someone (presumably a 3rd party) $2 to speed up the process?
We all know, actually, that this type of rebate process is just a scam to offer rebates but have people forget about them, or fill out the forms incorrectly and have them rejected.
I'll go sit quietly in the corner, now, and fume some more.
And wait for my rebate while thinking of what I can do with my extra $2.